
  • State Bank of India
  • Bank Of Maharashtra
  • Dena Bank
  • Central Bank Of India
  • Punjab National Bank
  • Small Industrial Development of India
  • Union Bank of India
  • United Bank of India
  • The Federal Bank Ltd.
  • Indian Overseas Bank
  • Oriental Bank of Commerce
  • Canara Bank
  • UCO Bank
  • Allahabad Bank
  • Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank Ltd.
  • The Nashik Merchants Coop Bank Ltd (Multi State)
  • The Nashik Road Deolali Vyapari Sahakari Bank Ltd.
  • Nashik District Central Coop Bank Ltd
  • Rajlaxmi Co. - Op. Bank Ltd
  • Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd.
  • GIC Housing Finance Limited

The firm is empaneled as Auditors with

  1. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG).
  2. The Co-operative Department, Maharashtra State for doing audits of Co- operative Banks and Co-operative Credit Societies.
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